Showing posts with label Navagraha Temples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Navagraha Temples. Show all posts
Kethu: Temple ( Kizhaperumpallam )
The Naganathar Temple known as the Kethu. This is an ancient Saivite shrine where legend has it that Kethu, one of the 9 celestial bodies central to astrological beliefs worshipped Shiva. This place is also called Vanagiri. Kethu prayed to Naaganaadhaswami and was blessed and rid of his sins by Lord Siva. It is rare to find Kethu with his head. At this sthala, he can be seen worshipping Naaganaadhaswami with his folded hands held high. Kethu is the tail of a serpent as his body, a description which very much matches with his connection to the image of a comet. However in the images, he is usually shown with a poke marked body, riding upon a vulture and holding a mace.
Prasatham (Food) : Rice mixed with Khollu powder.
Rahu: -Thirunageswaram Temple
The god Rahu is the King of snakes and since he worshipped lord Shiva the place was in the name of Thirunageswaram. The temple was built by King Gandaraditya Chola son of Parantaka Chola I. A legend has it that the mythological serpents Adiseshan, Dakshan and Kaarkotakan worshipped Shiva here.
Legend also has it that King Nala worshipped Shiva here as in Thirunallar. This temple faces the east; it has four Gopurams and three corridors. The Gopuram has five tiers. As one enters the one can have darshanam of Nirutha Ganapathy, Nanadi.
Rahu is instrumental in strengthening one's power and converting even an enemy into a friend. He is ruled by Goddess Durga. The main deity's name is Nageshwarar and Ambal's name is Girigujambikai. She is decorated as a small girl in the Mornings, as young lady in Noons and as lady in evenings. Here Rahu resides with his wife and everyday, during Rahu kala Abishekam, when Milk is pouring over idol, it miraculously the color of milk changes from white to light blue colour. People having Rahu dosha come here during Rahu kalam and perform Abishekas. The King Sambumali who had incurred the wrath of sage Kaalangiri, attained moksha after bathing in the temple tank and praying to the Lord and Ambal of this temple. The devas and asuras churned the Paarkadal (Sea of milk) to obtain amirtham that would free them from death, keeping them alive for ever.
When the amirtham emerged, Lord Vishnu in the guise of Mohini was distributing the amirtham only to the devas. He was worried that the evil deeds of the asuras will increase multifold if they consumed amirtham. Realizing this, one of the asuraas with the help of the asura Guru Sukrachariyar, took the form of a deva and consumed the nectar. Suryan and Cha dran who noticed this, complained to Lord Narayana. In anger, Lord Narayana hit the asura on the head with the spoon in his hand. The head was cut off and fell on the ground.
But because the asura had consumed amirtham, his head and body continued to live. The body of a snake got attached to the head to become Rahu Bhagavan. Rahu prayed to Lord Vishnu (Narayan) and got the position of a Sayagraham. Rahu takes his revenge on Suryan and Chandra, whether he gets a chance by devouring them. This is commonly called a s eclipse (Grahanam). Rahu is represented on a 'Simhasana' or a silver chariot drawn by eight horses. According to some it possesses four arms, three of which bear 'Khadga', 'Khetaka', and 'Sula' and in Varada pose and sometimes he possesses two arms carrying a book.
Benefits of Worshipping:The person who come to visit Thirunageswaram Rahu Sthalam(Rahu planet) they will find relief from naga dosham, kala sharpa dosham, vivaha dosham(marriage), mental disorders, puthra dosham, nervous and leprosy problems. To come out from all these problems the person praying to Rahu at this sthala helps rids from these factors and also saves the person from all poisonous life forms.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Saturday
Donation : Black Urad Dhal, Seven Types of Grain (Wheat, Rice, Sesame, Moong, Millet, Savan, Gram Cereal), Black Cloth, Gomed, Snake made of Gold, Salt, Coconut, Shoe, Sword, Feeding Snakes
Homa/Havan : Wood From Harit Duba Tree
Medicinal Bath : Dear Musk, Elephant Musk, Doorva (Millet Grass), Leaves of Wood Apple
Flower : MantharaiCloth : Block Cloth
Prasatham (Food) : Rice mixed with Black Urad Dhal powder.
(Thirunageswaram)The eighth Navagraha temple is the Thirunageswaram near Kumbakonam, Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu (India).
Saneeswaran Temple: (Thirunallar)
The god Shaneeshwar is also called Saturn:(Lord Darbaraneswara Temple - Thirunallar. This is an ancient Shiva temple probably constructed in 7th century. Shaneeshwar is a god and son of Surya and his wife Chaya(Shadow goddess) and also known as Chayaputra he is the elder brother of Yama. Shaneeshwar gives as the results of once deeds through appropriate punishment and rewards Yama grants the results of once deeds after death. Saturday is the most appropriate days for worshipping Shaneeshwar Bhagavan. Shaneeshwar Bhagavan is decorated with black flowers.
Whether one is under Sani's favourable or unfavourable effects, one should constantly worship him. By doing so, one can ensure that the impact of adverse effect is minimised and the benefits of favourable effect are maximized. Sani is a turbulent and troublesome god who makes and breaks fortunes, by his influence and position in the planetary system for which he is invariably feared, and especially worshipped by those who believe in Hindu astrology. He is generally shown with four hands riding upon a chariot, or a buffalo or a crow. In three hands he shown holding an arrow, a bow and a javelin respectively while the fourth one is held in varadamudra. The aspect of Sani Bhagavan on a persons life it is not that saneshwaran is destroyer alone.
He is a revered to be both, a giver and destroyer. During period like 7 ½ years saturn period (elarai nattu Sani, Saade Sati, Shani dosh) which may be three types. Pongu Sani, Mangu Sani and Marana Sani. He gives all tribulation to the concerned person. During Pongu Sani, he bestows on them. In Mangu Sani giving troubles to the person lot. Legend is that Lord Saneeswara was once waiting to catch King Nala, noticed that he had not washed the back portion of his feet, while preparing for his prayers. Nala worked under King Irudhupannan as his charioteer. In the mean time Damayanthi went to her father's place where he arranged for a swayamvaram for his daughter. Irudhupannan also attended the swayamvaram where Nala in disguise was the charioteer.
Damyanti identified Nala, the charioteer as her husband. With the effect of the boon from Karkodakan Nala regained his original form and became the King once again. Nala is said to have visited Tirunallar as per the advice of sage Bharadwaja. As soon as he entered the main sannidhi of the temple, Saneeswaran departed from him. Once Shaneeshwar climbed on to Hanuman's shoulder, implying that Shaneeshwar's influence was beginning on Lord Hanuman. At this, Hanuman assumed a large size, and Shaneeshwar was caught painfully between Hanuman's shoulders and the ceiling of the room they were in. as the pain was unbearable, Lord Shaneeshwar requested Lord Hanuman to release him, promising in return, that if a person prayed to Lord Hanuman, he (Shaneeshwar) would moderate or eliminate the malefic effects of his influence on that person; following this, Lord Hanuman released Shaneeshwar.
According to tale Shri Shaneeshwardev was about to enter life of Luv and Kush in Sade sati period, but Shri Hanuman requested him not to do, so as Shri Hanuman believed that he punished Lord Ram double already by sending him in exile for 14 years. Shri Shaneeshwardev refused telling that this is his karma and he can't run away from it. Listening this Shri Hanuman crushed Shri Shaneeshwardev under his feet. Shri Shaneeshwardev was suffering from too much of pain and hence agreed to leave Luv and Kush.
There is one more evidence that the saneshwaran is around all over the universe. There is a village name of Shaneeshwar shingnapur in that village there is no roof in all houses, no door and no lock also. The whole village seems to be in open yard. No thievery or burglary ever occurred here in this hamlet called Shaneeshwar Shingnapur. Some who have tried to steal have died vomiting blood within minutes of their act and before they could cross the boundary. Many others are said have received varied punishments such as long sickness, mental imbalance etc.
Benefits of Worshipping:The person who come to visit Tirunallar Shaneeshwar Sthalam(Saturn Temple) who is suffering from Shaneeshwar dhasa and 7 ½ years saturn period (elarai nattu Sani, Saade Sati, Shani dosh), he has to take oil bath in nala thirtha (pool) while dharsan he has to go with wet cloth then take dharsan of Shiva Parvathidevi and saneshwara Bhagavan. The person all these pooja do systematically the ill effect which is suffering through Shaneeshwar desha is completely vanish out or at least abate to some extent.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Saturday
Donation : Sesame Seeds, Sesame Oil, Blue/Black Cloth, Black Buffalo, Iron, Blue
Sapphire, Feeding Blind/Lame/Aged/Dark People, Feeding Crow/Black Buffalo Homa/Havan : Wood From Shami Tree (Serratula anthelmintica)
Medicinal Bath : Black Sesame Oil, Black Sesame Seeds, Saunf (Anseed), Anjan – Kali Ber (Zizyphus Jujuba)
Flower : Vanni and Blue kuvalai Cloth : Block Cloth
Prasatham (Food) : Rice mixed with sesame powder.
Location:(Thirunallar)The seventh Navagraha temple is the Thirunallar near Karaikal (Mayiladudhurai) {Tamil Nadu(India).
Sukran: (Venus) Kanjanur
The Sukran god temple was inscription from Kings Chola and Vijayanagara periods. This temple with two pragaram has a five tiered raja Gopuram at its entrance. This Shiva Sthalam associated with Shukran. Bhrama is said to have been blessed with a vision of shiva's marriage with Parvathi. This shrine is also referred to Palaasavanam, Bhrammapuri and Agnistalam. Kanjanur is considered to be the 36th in the series of the Tevara Stalams located in Chola Nadu north of the river Cauvery. Shukra is the teacher of the demons and the author of Sukraniti. He is generally shown with four hands, riding upon a golden or a silver chariot drawn by eight horses.
Three of his hands hold a staff, a rosary, a vessel of gold respectively while the fourth one is held in varada mudra. Here, lord Shiva represent of Shukra Bhagavan. Legend is that with this power Sukrachariya once brought the dead asuras alive during a war against the Devas. The devas prayed Lord Shiva for their rescue. The Lord then swallowed him in anger. Sukra meditated upon Shiva in his stomach and emerged out.
Another legend associated with Sukra is that Lord Vishnu in his Vamana Avatar asked for three foot steps of land from the asura King Mahabali. The asura Guru realizing the boy as Lord, took the form of a bee. He blocked the flow of water from the kamandalam which marks the end of the offering. But Vamana an incarnation of Vishnu, picKing up a pavithram blinds Sukracharya in one eye while trying to remove the obstacle (bee) from the hole in the kamandalam. Of the nine grahas Sukra is the next most beneficial planet after Guru.
Benefits of Worshipping:The person who come to visit Kanjanur Sukra Sthalam(Venus planet) they will find relief from delay of getting marriage, personal family life problems, love affairs from both side, loss from females, diverse problems from both side, ornaments, wealth, vehicles and domestic animals. To come out from all these problem the person should performing pooja and worshipping the god; Shri agnishwaraswamy will help the devotees to get rid of Sukra dosham also.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Friday
Donation : Mocchai (sealed beans), Silver, White Cloth, Diamond, Scents, Milk, Curd, White Horse, Feeding Women
Homa/Havan : Wood From Gular Tree (Ficus golmerate)
Medicinal Bath : Saffron, Mainsall (Arsenicum Rubrun)
Flower : White Lotus
Cloth : White Cloth
Prasatham (Food) : white pongal and mocchai
Location:(Kanjanur)The sixth Navagraha temple is the Kanjanur near Suryanar Koil(Aadudurai), Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu (India).
Guru: (Jupiter-Brihaspati) Alangudi
The Guru god temple was built during King Chola period. This shrine is regarded as a 98th in the series of devara Sthalam in the Chola region south of river Cauvery Alangudi is the place where Guru is worshipped as shri Dhakshinamurthy. God Shiva as Abath Sahayar and Goddess Parvathi known as Aelavarkuzhali are the main deities here.Jupiter God rides on Hamsa, the mythical swan. Guru means remover of darkness. Hamsa is the mythical bird that is capable of separating milk from a mixture of milk and water, accepting only the milk and rejecting water in it.
Thus the actual removal of the ignorant attraction is not by recognition alone but by proper discrimination. Guru is the presiding deity of religious inclinations and prosperity. He is also the presiding deity of married life for woman. He is described in the Puranas as Brihaspati (one who possesses sharp intelligence), the preceptor of Devas. He is often depicted in a standing posture with four hands, in one of which he holds a weapon called the Vajraayudha. He represents the great teacher he stands for wisdom and knowledge. Brihaspati is the teacher of gods and is praised in many rigveda.
This is regarded as a Guru Sthalam where the dhakshinamurthy great reverence. Alangudi is the place where Lord Shiva consumed the deadly poison as emitted during the churning of the 'paarkadal' (Sea of milk). Hence the place is known as Alangudi, which literally mean 'the place where Lord Shiva consumed the deadly posion'. The Devas, when churning the paarkadal for nectar, were hindered by the poisonous fumes from the snake Vasuki and prayed to Lord Siva for deliverance. Lord Siva consumed the deadly poison (Ala Visham), thus giving rise to the name Alangudi to this Sthalam and the Lord was known as "Aabathsagayeshwarar" (One who defends from the danger).
The another legend that Lord siva as a ferryman(boatman) helped Sundaramurthy Swamigal cross the river (Vettaru) which was in spate, to reach this Sthalam. As the boat was overturned by hitting a rock on halfway, Lord Shiva on his rishaba vagana saved him from the illusion and helped him to reach the sthala. It is believed that Sundarar received his Gnanaupadesam after his darshanam of Dakshinamurthy at this sthala. The specialty in this temple is lord Guru is engraved on the wall and is not in the form of separate idol reunited with shiva.
Benefits of Worshipping:The person who come to visit Alangudi Guru Sthalam(Jupiter planet) they will find relief from financial problems, getting delay in child, marriage problems will be solved and also the person will get political power, and spiritual power even though those who are committed sins in previous birth there is a remedy in this temple.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Thursday
Donation : White Channa Dhal, Yellow Cloth, Yellow Sapphire, Turmeric, Yellow Flowers, Gold, Feeding Brahmins, Yellow Plantain Fruits
Homa/Havan : Wood From Pipple Tree (Ficus religiosa)
Medicinal Bath : Honey, White / Yellow Mustard Seeds, Jasmine, Chameli
Flower : White Jasmin
Location:(Alangudi)The fifth Navagraha temple is the Alangudi near Kumbakonam, Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu (India).
Donation : White Channa Dhal, Yellow Cloth, Yellow Sapphire, Turmeric, Yellow Flowers, Gold, Feeding Brahmins, Yellow Plantain Fruits
Homa/Havan : Wood From Pipple Tree (Ficus religiosa)
Medicinal Bath : Honey, White / Yellow Mustard Seeds, Jasmine, Chameli
Flower : White Jasmin
Cloth : Yellow cloth
Prasatham (Food) : Soaked Channa dhal
Location:(Alangudi)The fifth Navagraha temple is the Alangudi near Kumbakonam, Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu (India).
The mercury god temple. The temple was built by Aathidya Chola I. and Raja Raja Chola were ruler of this temple. Therefore, it is said that the oldest part of the temple is more than 3000 years old. Budha is a son of moon god, Budha deity resides over intelligent and person teaching capacities, he is detected Vedas in one hand and the sward in the other. His other two hands carry mace and shield he is riding upon a chariot or lion. There is a reference to this temple in Valmiki's Ramayana. Budha or Mercury is considered as the greatest among the wise. This Devata bestows wisdom and wealth on his devotees. He is ruled by Lord Maha Vishnu.
This temple is referred in 'Saiva Thirumurais' and 'Sastras'. This place is similar to Kasi with all the Snana Ghats. One can do all the KARMAs here, that is supposed to be done in kasi. He also grants power of expression and success in education. This is also known Aadhi Chidambaram Natraja dance here is known as Hasti Natanam. In this temple Agora Murthi is a main god, he is one of the furious incarnate of lord shiva. There was an Evil named "Padmasuran" in Thiruvengadu. He had a deep meditation on Lord Bhrama for power. Being satisfied on his meditation, Lord Bhrama offered him many powers. But he used those powers in a wrong ways.
He started to torture the saints and innocent peoples. Having nothing to do, all the saints and peoples requested Lord Shiva to put an end to his evil. As they asked, Lord Shiva took his incarnate 'Agora Murthi' and killed the 'Padmasuran' under a tree (which is now in Thiruvengadu temple, back to the entrance of Agora Murthi). All the peoples thanked Lord Shiva for saving them. There is a story Vedarishi, a Brahmin had placed his bundle of food in the hollow of a tree. A snake residing in the hollow, spewed poison on the food. Unaware of this, Vedarishi gave this food to a vedic priest, who died of the poison.
This Brahmin was absolved of his Brahmahathi Dosham(killed dosham) by worshipping Lord Siva of Thiruvengadu. Suwedaka on realizing that he was destined to die in his eighth year, reached Thiruvengadu and performed Siva pooja. As soon as he saw Yama, he held on to the Siva Linga tightly. Yama on seeing Thiruvengadar, ran away in fear and died. On the request of the Devas, the Lord brought Yama back to life. There is a separate sannithi for Budhan, the temple is quite large and all four important saivite saints have sung the price of this god.
Benefits of Worshipping:The person who come to visit thiruvengadu Budha Sthalam(Budh Sthalam) they will find relief from failure in business, set back in profession, lack of mental inability, nervous and skin problems, getting knowledge and education are the beneficial aspects of Budha. Thiruvengadu village is also famous for unique structure of pools in temples, this temple has three pools(Surya theertham, Chandra theertham, Agni theertham) and three gods it is believe that who takes the bath in all three pools, will be free from their problems like disease and delay of getting marriage, delay of getting child etc.,
Things of Worshipping: Day : WednesdayDonation : Green Gram / moong Dhal, Green Cloth, EmeraldHoma/Havan : Wood From Chichidi Tree (Achyranthes Aspera)Medicinal Bath : Honey, Nagkesar (Messusferrea), Gorochana, Panchagavya (Five Cow Products Viz., Urine, Dung, Milk, Curd, Clarified Butter)Flower : White kanthalCloth : Green clothPrasatham (Food) : Rice mixed with moon dhal powderLocation:(Thiruvengadu)The fourth Navagraha temple is the Thiruvengadu near Sirkazhi, Nagai district in Tamil Nadu(India).
Load Chevvai Temple (Vaitheeswaran koil )
The Mars god temple. Chevvai is son of lord shiva. Once the lord Shiva was in deep meditation perspiration from his third eye fell on earth, from the eye sweat drop on the earth. From that sweat he has born of male child later on known as angaragan (chevvai). Chevvai Bhagavan is worshipped in the town of Vaitheeswarankoil which is also called Pullirukkuvelur. Rig vedam (Irukku), Jatayu (Pull), Sambadi, the Surya (Vel) are said to have worshiped Shiva here and hence the name Pullirukkuvelur. This temple consist of several Mandapam and Gopuram and also navagraha(all nine planets) installed in single line. No elsewhere in India.
Here Ambhal(Goddess) is called Balambiga alice Thaiyalnayagi.The temple is dedicated to lord Shiva who is worshipped as Vaitheeswaran or Vaithiyanatha swamy his consort is known as Thaiyalnayagi, unlike most other temples that are known by the presiding deity, lord Muruga(Selva muthu kumara swamy) is the celebrated deity in Vaitheeswarankoil though the name Vaithiyanathan is associated with lord shiva. There is a part of the story in Ramayana that Ravana proceeding to Srilanka with Sita, while Jadayu fought with Ravana to relieve Sita by the time Ravana cut his wing the same wing fell down here and eventually got moksha.
Even today we can see the place is where Jadayu was cremated – "Jadayu Kundam". Chevvai is a ferocious god with four hands. In two hands he holds weapons, generally a mace and a javelin, while the other two are held in abhaya and varada mudras. He uses ram as his vehicle. Benefits of Worshipping: Chevvai(Manglik Dosh, Mangala, Kuja dosh) related dosham are rectified by performing parihara(remedies) poojas to this deity. It is traditional to perform angaraha pooja to get rid of financial crisis, property dealing, productivity of agriculture and milk, if any problem between brothers and sisters that also will be solved.
Chevvai also heels cut wounds. So devotees performing pooja to chevvai are benefited to victory. There is also a widespread believe that the visit here would remove obstacles the delayed marriage(Chevvai dosham). In chevvai temple the Prasatham (Food) offered by the name of tiruchaandu urundai and its considered to be a panaca capable of many elements it is made of ashes taken out from the homa kundam in front of Subramaniya strain. Rituals are performed were in mixer of earth and ashes from the homa kundam are shaped into the pills the same distributed as a Prasatham (Food) to the person(medicine).
The devotees as soon as entering the temple, they first go to Sithamirtha tank(Sithamirtha tank consist of 18 wells) filled with holy water and mix with medicines in form of leaves. The water is said to have curative properties for various skin elements. The persons diseases even that could not get cured by mani, mandra, aushatha, after coming to this temple they got cured at this place. That why here Shiva is called as a Vaithiyanathan (doctor). There is also a shrine dedicated to Dhanvanthri here. Dhanvanthri is also a medicine god. Even doctors do their operation after they pray to Dhanvanthri for success and devotees also those who are suffering illness it can be cured after pray to Dhanvanthri.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Tuesday
Donation : Masoor / Toor Dhal, Red Sandal, Copper Utensils, Deer Musk, Red Cloth, Feeding Brahmins, Coral
Homa/Havan : Wood From Khadir Tree (Mimosa Catechu)
Medicinal Bath : Red Sandal, Red Flowers, Assafoetida, Jatamnasi (Indian Spike Nard)
Flower : Red Arali, shenbagam
Cloth : Red cloth
Food (Prasatham): Rice mixed with toor dhal powder
Location:(Vaitheeswaran koil) The third Navagraha temple is the Vaitheeswarankoil near sirkazhi, Nagai district in Tamil Nadu(India)
Load Moon Temple (Chandran:)
There was a story about Chandra, the Dakshaprajapathi got 27 daughters. He offered to Chandra to get marry all of 27 daughters, he also married all 27 daughters. Instead of treating all of them same manner he neglected all the 26 wives, and he spent most of time with Rohini(she is one of 27 daughters). This incident come to knowledge of prajapathi and he advised to Chandra to treat all of them same. But, Chandra is not listening his words, he ignored him. Dakshaprajapathi got angry and curse Chandra that he should suffer from wasting disease. Then, Chandra pray to lord Shiva in thingalur, to save from the curse. Lord Shiva thought to save from curse, god advised to chandran should remain in temple in thingalur and should relief to those suffering from the ill effect of Chandra adverse placement in their horoscope, and offering prayers to him.
Chandras seen riding on a chariot drawn by 10 white horses. Chandra is represented in white colour, clothed in white garment, surrounded by a halo and adorned with ornaments and garland of all sorts of flowers. Chandra holding lotus buds in his hands.
The small temple here has a small shrine dedicated to Chandran. This is an ancient Saivite shrine, associated with the life of Tirunavukkarasar, although no Tevara Patikam dedicated to the shrine has been discovered so far. Tirunavukkarasar has mentioned Tingalur in a patikam of 10 songs dedicated to another Shivastalam, and hence, Tingalur constitutes of the Tevara Vaippu talangal. Legend has it that there lived a merchant Appoodi Adikal in the village of Tingalur who was a devotee of Shiva. Appoodi Adikal held Tirunavukkarasar in high regard and looked forward to the day when he would be able to host the saint poet. The day arrived, but his son got killed by a venomous snake bit while the saint was being hosted. The saint moved by Appodi Adikal's devotion is said to have miraculously restored the lad to life.
Benefits of Worshipping:By praying to lord chandran, dosham to mother, mental retardation, fluid accumulation diseases will get rid of, from the persons life.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Monday
Donation : Rice, Cow's Milk, Cow, Conch, Butter, Ghee, White Cloth, Pearl
Homa/Havan : Wood From Palash Tree (Butea Frondosa)
Medicinal Bath : Leaves of Wood Apple, Lilly, White Lotus, Panchagavya (Five Cow Products Viz., Urine, Dung, Milk, Curd, Clarified Butter), Elephant Musk
Flower : White Arali
Cloth : white cloth
Prasatham (Food) : Curd Rice
Location: (Thingalur)The second Navagraha temple is the Thingalur. It is situated near Thiruvaiyaru, Thanjavur district in Tamil Nadu (India).
Suriyanar Temple
The sun god temple was built during the King of Chola period, when the world came into existence, the first sound that reverberated was "OHM". Surya was born from this omkara naadham. Sree Markandeya puranam has explained this factor. Suryan was the son of Sage Kashyap and was the grandson of Sage Maarisi. Surya married Soorvarsala, the dauther of Viswakarma. Vaivasvatha Manu and Yamadharmarajan were his sons and Yamuna, his daughter. Surya's great chariot has one wheel and is drawn by seven horses(The seven horses symbolically represent the seven colors of the white light and the seven days of the week), he has a lotus in each hand, wears an armour and has a shield over his breast, has beautiful straight hair, and is surrounded by a halo of light.
The tower of the temple is approximately sixteen meter in height and consists of three tiers. At the top of the tower are five domes. To the north of the rajagopuram(main tower) lies the sacred bathing ghat called Surya Pushkarni. It is important to bathe in this ghat before offering worship at the temple. If not, one should at least sprinkle its water on one's head. Special features of the temple, all the grahams face Surya Bhagawan in this temple. As soon as, one enters the temple there is a sacrificial platform. Generally in Siva temples, Navagrahas are the secondary deities. Here, the Sun is the main deity and the other eight planets have their separate shrines around the Sun according to Astrology.
The antiquity of this holy place and be traced to the days of Maha Bharatha. The Puranas subscribe to the same view that all sorts of physical and mental ailments will be solved, when people worship this temple. Benefits of Worshipping: To succeed in political, to get government job and government related deals, to get rid of from sins committed by father and ancestors, to solve the problem in person weakness in bone, veryoffen headach, eye problem and also diseases pertaining to the heart. Those who are taKing bath for twelve Sundays in Suryanath koil, they will be saved from suffering and blessed with happy and peaceful life.
Things of Worshipping:
Day : Sunday
Donation : Wheat, Orange Cloth, Jaggery, Lotus
Homa / Havan : Wood From Ark Tree (Calotropis Gigantea)
Medicinal Bath : Cardamom, Honey, Poppy Seeds, Saffron, Lotus
Flower : Senthamarai (Red Lotus)
Cloth : Red Color
Food (Prasatham ) : Sakkarai pongal Location:(Suryanar koil)
The first Navagraha temple is the Suryanarkoil. It is situated in the small village called Tirumangalakkudi. Near Aaduthurai, Thanjavur District in Tamil Nadu (India).
Navagraha Temples
The navagraha means nine planets. Nav means "Nine", Graha means "Planets". So it is called as navagraha. Planets are also believed to influence the outcomes of historical events of entire nations and the earth. Each planet moves in clockwise or anti-clock wise motion. Out of nine graham first seven heavenly bodies are still connected in various culture of the world with seven days of the week as in Hindu system of astrology. In navagraha temple (nine planets temple) the sun idol is placed at the center and all other eight grahas are placed surrounding the sun in such a way that is no graha faces one another.
The world plays in two natures i.e. attracting or catching. Every object attracts or catches another object as dictated by the gravity. Similarly, the nine planets also attract each other. The navagraha are the nine catchers the same way a man knows how to keep natures with in him. Separate from one another he stands at peace with himself and with the world around. A man is born on earth on that day, and that movement what his individual fate is in mathematical harmony with progress of stars, planets in heaven.
When planets move from one direction to another, it brings about changes in people fortune. How the planets are placed in one horoscope at the time of birth determines the good and bad affect of once life, and the time effort. In every horoscope some planets are in good place some are in bad place. Hence, in our life some time we are getting problem which can't be unbearable, because of some planets position change in a month or year. All human being facing their life problem some time ups and some time downs.
Even ancient records and epics evident that navagrahas are even capable of making troubles to god also. Finally, human life mixture of happiness and sorrows. To come out from the all obstacles every individual should do pariharam(remedies upay) through the palm leaf scriptures and the astrology scriptures prescribe various poojas to avoid off the negative influence of the planets. By doing this pariharam(remedies upay), homam(ritual yajna), navagraha abhishek(holy bath) and mantra japam(chanting of mantras) etc., by doing all this, navagraha dosha are vanishout and good result will occur. That's what we are giving here brief details about navagraha (nine planets temple).
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